Behind the Scenes
A Writer's Life
Current Work in Progress:
BASTION - Final Copy-Edits
Complete: Prologue, Chapters 1-8
Current Project: Chapter 9
Remaining: Chapters 9-13, Epilogue, An Excerpt, Afterword
Next: BASTION - PDF/ePub/Mobi Formatting, ARC, Paperback/Hardcover Proofs
Wants, Needs, and Goals:
Website Visitor Experience Improvement Project:
Character Profiles (see list on The Characters page), Maps (political, regional, etc),
Historical Timeline, Glossary of Terms, Explanation of the Realms (Arcadia, etc),
Cultures/Species Profiles, Reviews, Free Downloads
Renewed/Increased Social Media Presence:
Focus on building more of a following on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok
Learn how to effectively use these platforms to help market myself and my novels
Create promotional materials on all of the above, as well as Youtube (Peter/Frankie!)
Writing Sprints:
Outline Plot for Books 4-6
Create and Maintain List of Newsletter/Blog Topics